Tuesday, November 13, 2012



Original Color/Other
Original color, adjusted and the background turned white.

In this, much like the blue tinted one, I instead tinted it orange. (And also, on the original, I made her eyebrows darker and bluer so that they matched her wig.)

In this one, I liked the blue in the picture, so I tinted the entire picture blue, much like for cyanotype except it still has other colors with saturation.

Cross Processing

Multiple Exposure
My attempt at multiple exposure; not sure if I did it right...


Black and White

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Beauty: Web Assignment #4

How would you define beauty in photography?
Beauty in photography, in my eyes, is a photograph that takes something from real life and makes it become surreal and bewildering; photography that is truly breathtaking causes people to stop, stare, and focus fully on that one moment because the photograph has cleared their mind of everything but that picture in front of them.
What are the characteristics of photographic beauty?
In my opinion, there is no "characteristic" of photographic beauty, but, instead, an experience. I recognize beautiful photography by its ability to bond with its viewer, and to create an emotional link. Photographic beauty is simply any image that connects with something inside someone and deeply affects them in some way.
Can something "ugly" be photographed and be considered beautiful?
Why? How?
Because photography takes that object, and transforms it into something that is surreal and unnatural and somehow alien, while we know it is a photograph; yet, it astounds us.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Alfred Stieglitz

1. Who was Alfred Stieglitz and why is he noteworthy in the history of photography?
He was a photography enthusiast who beleived, with many others, that photography was just as capable of artistic expression as other mediums, and he aided in the advancement of Pictoral photography.

2. Choose a photograph he made, upload it to your blog, and explain why you chose it as your favorite by him.

I like this one because of its softness and the breath and heat that appears as fog and adds to the photograph; the picture overall only depicts everyday life, yet seems surreal and apparently different at the same time.

3. With what famous painter was he in a relationship? Who was she?  Upload a painting by her that you like.
In 1924, Alfred Stieglitz got married to Georgia O'Keefe, who is known today as a very famous and accomplished painter.

Extra: How did they influence each other in their art making?
For Stieglitz, Georgia O'Keefe inspired a series of photographs, consisting of herself as well as other artists.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I really like this one; I think that the lighting is good, and the focus is where I wanted it. For touch-ups on this picture I lens-blurred the background more and did general exposure/brightness and hue/saturation adjustments.
I think I took this one this last year,  and for this picture I adjusted the color levels to have more red and blue than green and yellow and other colors, and I also did normal adjustments. It was a little difficult though to balance contrast and brightness with the white of the snow and the white of the flower, because I wanted it to be bright, but if I made it too bright then the ice on the flower would not have enough shadows to be easily identified.
